How Booking Less Service Jobs Can Mean More Profit!

KickStart: “TIME is the only resource you can’t buy more of.” Sam Walton

“Make MORE profit by doing FEWER jobs? You’re an idiot, Steve!” You might think I’ve lost a few screws, but “Patience, Grasshopper”! Stick with me here…

Want to skyrocket your profits?👏🏼 Give your onsite employees a step-by-step Service System that will create an ecstatic “Cheerleader” (and 5-star reviews!) out of each residential client. (I call this “Service Engineering”.) Remember…

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The Why (and How) of Using Your Residential Caller’s Name.

KickStart: Call your prospect by name to emphasize a key point. 

post it note with residential caller name

Ever feel like you’re on a never-ending episode of “The Price is Right”? You know, with “price shoppers” bombarding you with the dreaded, “Uhhhh, I’m just calling around… what’s your rate for this service?” Ugh! I feel your pain!😥

However, quite a few of these so-called “price shoppers” will start out with their name as in, “Hi, this is Sally Smith, and I’m just calling around checking prices…” Now a Post-It note will become your best friend!

That’s right, grab your pen, jot down the caller’s name and use it “selectively” in your conversation. Why? Because behavioral psychologists have discovered that…

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A Strategic Approach to High Profits for Residential Services

KickStart: Only offer additional home services (and products) that are VERY profitable.

home services bonus salesNEWS FLASH! Some dollars are MUCH more profitable than others! That’s right, folks, not all revenue is created equal!

Some residential services are like a gold mine,💲 while others… are a frivolous, money-losing waste of time!😥

So, you ask, “How can I make more dough without baking more bread?” Steve’s secret sauce? Be picky about what services you offer. Focus on the Additional Service Options that give you the most bang for your buck. This means…

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WHERE to Recruit Awesome New Production Workers

KickStart: “Actively recruit” high-performing (and under-appreciated) employees you encounter working in lower paid service jobs.

Are you desperately advertising for quality production employees to actually do the jobs that keep rolling in? WRONG! This is your first mistake! You won’t find great service workers with “help wanted” ads! Here’s why…

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“Triple Dip” with Your Service Employee’s Achievements!

KickStart: Trumpet your service worker’s accomplishments to increase morale AND supercharge your marketing.

Are you struggling with high turnover and/or marginal frontline employees?😥

“Well, DUH, Steve! You just described my life! I pay much more than the ‘going wage’ but nobody wants to work anymore!” Ummmm, sorry to disagree but the Very Best People DO “want to work”! But I digress…

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Essential Residential “Stage Props”

KickStart: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.” William Shakespeare

The Script

stage play for home service technicians

You gotta love good, old Bill for pithily dissecting the human condition! And yep- Mr. Shakespeare’s quote above goes double for those of us working daily in our customer’s homes.

Ironically, long before I became a William Shakespeare groupie I’d often remind my in-the-home production employees they were “actors in our company’s Home Front stage play”.

Now very likely you personally have always instinctively recognized that you are “on stage playing a part” in a client’s home. However, here’s your challenge…

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