How Booking Less Service Jobs Can Mean More Profit!

KickStart: “TIME is the only resource you can’t buy more of.” Sam Walton

“Make MORE profit by doing FEWER jobs? You’re an idiot, Steve!” You might think I’ve lost a few screws, but “Patience, Grasshopper”! Stick with me here…

Want to skyrocket your profits?👏🏼 Give your onsite employees a step-by-step Service System that will create an ecstatic “Cheerleader” (and 5-star reviews!) out of each residential client. (I call this “Service Engineering”.) Remember…

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A Strategic Approach to High Profits for Residential Services

KickStart: Only offer additional home services (and products) that are VERY profitable.

home services bonus salesNEWS FLASH! Some dollars are MUCH more profitable than others! That’s right, folks, not all revenue is created equal!

Some residential services are like a gold mine,💲 while others… are a frivolous, money-losing waste of time!😥

So, you ask, “How can I make more dough without baking more bread?” Steve’s secret sauce? Be picky about what services you offer. Focus on the Additional Service Options that give you the most bang for your buck. This means…

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Are You Loving the “SELF”-Employed Life?🤔

KickStart: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”😲 Yogi Berra, Baseball Hall of Fame catcher/manager and pithy folk philosopher.

Good for Yogi! He was a man of action! But Yogi overlooked a very important part of any “fork in the road”.

Recognizing that a decision “masquerading as a small choice” now can have HUGE consequences later in life!😲

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