Here’s WHY Homeowners Blow Up on Contractors … With No Warning!

Miguel Cervantes quoteKickStart: “Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory” Miguel Cervantes

Normally you’ll find me commiserating with the poor owners (and managers) of residential service companies. (This can be a tough business!)

But let’s save some pity for your front-line workers! After all, every day they’re walking into the “minefield” of a customer’s home!😲

“A minefield, Steve? Seriously?” Too dramatic for you? Then think on this: The dictionary says a minefield is: “Any area filled with hidden explosive devices.” 

Hmmmm…🤔 So, are your client’s homes “filled with hidden explosive devices”? Absolutely! Think how often your employees (or you) get bushwhacked by a homeowner “blowing up” with zero warning and for no apparent reason! (The stories I could share!)🙄

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Can you Use a Complaint to ‘Tune Up’ your Home Services Company?

KickStart: Analyze WHY a complaint/problem occurred and HOW to prevent the issue from happening again.

Normally when I train on my ‘Complaint Conversion’ techniques folks assume we’ll focus on ‘Converting Complainers into Cheerleaders. I call this the ‘Triple C’ and it IS very important!

However, when a homeowner complains (hopefully not very often) I suggest a much more important question to ask yourself…

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The ‘Triple-S’ Work Environment (Part 3)

KickStart: Develop a STABLE company that homeowners AND your employees trust.

I can hear it now. “What’s with this ‘Triple-S’ stuff? Has Steve gone off his meds again?”🙄 Nope- Steve is just trying to save you from yourself! But don’t fret…

You’re not alone! Most Home Service business owners (including me) really are their own worst enemy!😲 However, after a lot of agony I finally developed a Home Services business that provided a…

1) Safe, 2) Sane, and 3) Stable work environment for employees. Let’s review the first two…

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Do You Maintain Service Workers ‘In Reserve’?

KickStart: STOP🛑 consistently ‘over scheduling’! Instead, book employees (or you) for 75% of the day to have ‘troops in reserve’ for your inevitable overflow work. 

leading your field troopsRunning a multi-crew, residential Home Services operation is not for the faint of heart! It’s a WAR out there! And as a business owner or manager you are the ‘commanding officer of your troops’! OR…

If you are a ‘Lone Wolf’ owner-operator it is even more important to not crash and burn out! Read on to learn how to avoid disaster…

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