A Strategic Approach to High Profits for Residential Services

KickStart: Only offer additional home services (and products) that are VERY profitable.

home services bonus salesNEWS FLASH! Some dollars are MUCH more profitable than others! That’s right, folks, not all revenue is created equal!

Some residential services are like a gold mine,💲 while others… are a frivolous, money-losing waste of time!😥

So, you ask, “How can I make more dough without baking more bread?” Steve’s secret sauce? Be picky about what services you offer. Focus on the Additional Service Options that give you the most bang for your buck. This means…

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Don’t Hate on “Home Service Price Shoppers”!

KickStart: Recognize the long term consequences of not focusing on every service caller!

disgusted with service price callers

“Aargh, another ‘how much do you charge’ caller!” (Screamed as I slammed down the phone!) “I hate price shoppers!” 😡

Steve’s True Confessions Time: This “I hate price shoppers!” outburst was an ongoing complaint from my office staff for many years.

However, I finally realized my company needed to…

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Outsmart Your Competition with Differentiation

satisfied service customer

Never “Price Match” What Your Service Competitor Charges!

KickStart: Maintain your prices high enough that homeowners routinely wince… and then book the job anyway!

True Confession Time: Steve Toburen is not remotely an accountant and/or a financial planner. In fact, Steve HATES and despises “number crunching” of any type!😡

In fact, I tell each client and every online class I teach: “I’ve always been good at MAKING money. But I’m terrible at counting, tracking or even investing this money!”

And yet, even with this major financial disability I’ve enjoyed a very successful career as the owner of multiple Home Service businesses! I’ve built my (very profitable) success on one informal pricing concept I call…

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