Service Clients Love It When You Get Their “Permission To Proceed”!

KickStart: Get more 5-star reviews by asking for the homeowner’s “Permission to Proceed” throughout the project.

Are you happy in our Home Services industry? You reply, “Absolutely, Steve! What’s not to love? I’m blessed with interesting jobs, the money is great and I work with some great customers and employees!” (Of course, these same clients and employees can be a trial sometimes!)

irked home services customer waitingBut now look through your first-time customer’s eyeglasses to feel in a very real sense… their pain!😥

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Your Home Service Customers Don’t Really Want to Talk to You!

scared home service customer

Do current world events have you (and your clients) feeling  a bit overwhelmed, nervous, panicked or ALL of these? Absolutely! Me too! (And don’t even get me started on gas prices!)

These negative feelings mean you must respect your residential customer’s ‘Personal Emotional Space’! ‘ After all, you wouldn’t burst into your customer’s homes without knocking, would you?  So, stop barging into your customer’s mental ‘Inner Sanctum’ without permission! For example…

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