The Why (and How) of Using Your Residential Caller’s Name.

KickStart: Call your prospect by name to emphasize a key point. 

post it note with residential caller name

Ever feel like you’re on a never-ending episode of “The Price is Right”? You know, with “price shoppers” bombarding you with the dreaded, “Uhhhh, I’m just calling around… what’s your rate for this service?” Ugh! I feel your pain!😥

However, quite a few of these so-called “price shoppers” will start out with their name as in, “Hi, this is Sally Smith, and I’m just calling around checking prices…” Now a Post-It note will become your best friend!

That’s right, grab your pen, jot down the caller’s name and use it “selectively” in your conversation. Why? Because behavioral psychologists have discovered that…

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A Strategic Approach to High Profits for Residential Services

KickStart: Only offer additional home services (and products) that are VERY profitable.

home services bonus salesNEWS FLASH! Some dollars are MUCH more profitable than others! That’s right, folks, not all revenue is created equal!

Some residential services are like a gold mine,💲 while others… are a frivolous, money-losing waste of time!😥

So, you ask, “How can I make more dough without baking more bread?” Steve’s secret sauce? Be picky about what services you offer. Focus on the Additional Service Options that give you the most bang for your buck. This means…

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Don’t Hate on “Home Service Price Shoppers”!

KickStart: Recognize the long term consequences of not focusing on every service caller!

disgusted with service price callers

“Aargh, another ‘how much do you charge’ caller!” (Screamed as I slammed down the phone!) “I hate price shoppers!” 😡

Steve’s True Confessions Time: This “I hate price shoppers!” outburst was an ongoing complaint from my office staff for many years.

However, I finally realized my company needed to…

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Home Services “Estimates” versus “Pre-Inspections”- which is better?

KickStart: “Words are important. If you cannot say what you mean, you will never mean what you say.” George Bernard Shaw

Yep, in business the words we use with prospects (and clients) can have big consequences going forward. For example…

I see many Home Service Businesses offering “free estimates”. Me? I disliked this word “estimate” so much I banned it in my own residential services company!😡 Here’s why…

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FOCUS on Service Prospects Incoming Phone Calls!

KickStart: Stop treating your business phone as a distraction. Instead, obsess over each and every service inquiry! 

nervous home service proWhen your business phone rings do you: A) ecstatically scream with delight?👍💪💖 B) fall into an anxiety attack?😬 or C) collapse in panicked dread?😨 For all you “B” and “C” folks, let’s move you into the delighted “A” category with a ringing phone!

First, reflect on the HUGE stakes with this caller. I know, you’re thinking, “Ummmm, Steve, I thought you were going to cheer me up. I’m even more freaked out now!” My reply?

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