From Satisfied Homeowners to Customer Cheerleaders: Your Small Service Business Needs Raving Fans to Thrive

Want to know a secret to winning more business without breaking the bank? Imagine having an unstoppable team of salespeople championing your services all day long! Say hello to Raving Fans or what I like to call, Customer Cheerleaders

So what is a “Customer Cheerleader”? 

In simple terms, Raving Fans or Cheerleaders are like your very own passionate, unpaid brand ambassador. These customers love your services, your team, your company, and yes – YOU – so much that they enthusiastically recommend (and rave about!) your business to everyone they know. 

Customer Cheerleaders are also called…

…raving fans, brand champions, repeat customers, true believers, and brand evangelists. I know, that’s quite a lot of titles, right? Well, these aren’t just fancy terms to throw around in marketing meetings—they represent your most valuable assets. Imagine having someone who not only loves your service but also tells everyone (and I mean everyone) about it! These folks are the golden geese of customer relationships. 

raving fans for your company

Think about it: Wouldn’t you rather have ten raving fans who swear by your services than a hundred one-time customers? Raving fans and brand champions do more than just order your services regularly—they advocate for your business like it’s their mission. Repeat customers and true believers are loyal and spread great vibes about you. And those brand evangelists? They take it to another level, actively converting others to your fold. 

Why do these labels matter? Because they help you identify the different ways customers can significantly impact your business. If you know who’s rooting for you, you can tailor your engagement strategies to keep them ecstatic (and talking about you to everyone they know). Didn’t someone once say, “Your best salesperson is a happy customer”? Well, they were absolutely right! 🚀

Satisfied Customers vs. Customer Cheerleaders…

Picture this: a satisfied customer standing next to a Customer Cheerleader. The difference? It’s night and day!

CriteriaSatisfied CustomersCustomer Cheerleaders
Level of EngagementLow to moderateHigh (comments, reviews, social shares, referrals)
Frequency of PurchasesOccasionalFrequent (often repeat customers)
Word-of-Mouth PromoterRarelyOften (actively promotes your business to others)
Emotional ConnectionNeutral to positiveStrongly positive (they love your brand!)
Loyalty and RetentionModerateVery high (less likely to switch to competitors)
Proactive AdvocacyPassiveActive (initiates advocacy without prompt)

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When do Customer Cheerleaders promote your home services? 

Researchers confirm that word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted friends and family are marketing gold. Think about your own habits. Before making a purchase, do you casually ask a friend or coworker for their input? Maybe your coworker just revamped their yard and you ask about their landscaper. Or perhaps a friend redecorated their home and you’re curious about their contractor. If they had a great experience, they’ll eagerly recommend their service provider. These are your Customer Cheerleaders. 

But Raving Fans don’t stop at recommendations; they actively sing your praises. They’ll share tales of how a dreaded task turned into a dream experience thanks to your company. 

And these joyous Cheerleaders might even hop online to spread the word far and wide! 

Imagine all the occasions…

group of friends share home service stories

Just think about it! When your Cheerleader customers are at a dinner party, what are they more likely to chit-chat about? Their latest Netflix binge or that rockstar HVAC service they just had? If you’ve turned them into a true believer, you better believe it’s the latter! They’ll recount every wonderful detail—how you showed up on time, fixed the issue swiftly, and even gave some nifty tips for maintaining their system. These are the golden moments when they become your unpaid marketing magicians! 

But it’s not just dinner parties… Oh no, the opportunities abound! Imagine them on social media (because who isn’t these days?), raving about their fantastic service experience to hundreds of friends in a single post. Or perhaps in a community meeting, when someone mentions needing a recommendation for plumbing services, your Cheerleader pipes up immediately with your name. And let’s not forget those casual water cooler conversations at work—“You won’t believe how great my weekend was after I got my leaky basement fixed! You must call these guys!” 

These are all real, everyday situations where your raving fans can naturally promote your services. You see, it’s not just about a one-time job; it’s about making an impact that lingers, creating a story they’re excited to share. When your service becomes part of their personal narrative, that’s when you know you’ve hit the jackpot!

How can you (and your employees) consistently create Cheerleaders for your company? 

Let’s take a high elevation view into how you can achieve entusiastic, repeat, glowing, die-hard, raving fans – Cheerleaders for YOU: 

customer cheerleader
  • Train and Empower Your Team: Your team is the face of your brand. Equip them with not only the necessary technical skills but also soft skills like communication, empathy, and problem-solving. A happy, knowledgeable technician can turn a regular service call into an extraordinary experience!
  • Solicit Feedback and Act on It: Regularly ask your customers for their opinions. Set up multiple channels – email surveys, phone calls, or even a quick chat at the end of a service visit. But here’s the key: actually use that feedback to make improvements. Show your customers that you’re listening and they matter!
  • Share Success Stories: Everyone loves a good story. Highlight your best customer experiences on your website, social media, and marketing materials. Testimonials and success stories showcase the real value you bring to the table and inspire others to share their positive experiences too.
  • Consistency is King: Ensure that every touchpoint – from your website to customer support – offers a seamless and delightful experience. Consistent high-quality service builds trust and reliability, which are the bedrocks of customer loyalty.
  • Reward Loyalty: Create programs that reward your repeat customers. Discounts, exclusive offers, or even a simple thank-you note can go a long way toward making your customers feel valued and appreciated. Raving fans for life!

Think of these strategies as seeds. Plant them, nurture them, and watch as you cultivate a garden of Customer Cheerleaders eager to sing your praises far and wide (and who doesn’t love a good sing-along?). 

So, are you ready to transform your satisfied customers into raving fans? Let’s roll up those sleeves and get to work! I promise, the results will be worth it.

Steve Toburen’s 12-session, 7-hour MP3 training course, Winning on the Home Front! can kickstart your Cheerleader-crafting journey! 

  • Discover WHY some customers turn into ecstatic Cheerleaders… and others don’t!
  • Learn to see through your customer’s eyes (Spoiler: It’s not always pretty!).
  • “Service Engineer” the countless Moments of Truth that occur daily in your service business.
  • Train and inspire your technicians to become “Customer Cheerleader machines.”

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