How Booking Less Service Jobs Can Mean More Profit!

KickStart: “TIME is the only resource you can’t buy more of.” Sam Walton

“Make MORE profit by doing FEWER jobs? You’re an idiot, Steve!” You might think I’ve lost a few screws, but “Patience, Grasshopper”! Stick with me here…

Want to skyrocket your profits?👏🏼 Give your onsite employees a step-by-step Service System that will create an ecstatic “Cheerleader” (and 5-star reviews!) out of each residential client. (I call this “Service Engineering”.) Remember…

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Essential Residential “Stage Props”

KickStart: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.” William Shakespeare

The Script

stage play for home service technicians

You gotta love good, old Bill for pithily dissecting the human condition! And yep- Mr. Shakespeare’s quote above goes double for those of us working daily in our customer’s homes.

Ironically, long before I became a William Shakespeare groupie I’d often remind my in-the-home production employees they were “actors in our company’s Home Front stage play”.

Now very likely you personally have always instinctively recognized that you are “on stage playing a part” in a client’s home. However, here’s your challenge…

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Service Clients Love It When You Get Their “Permission”!

KickStart: Get more 5-star reviews by asking for the homeowner’s “Permission to Proceed” throughout the project.

Permission to Proceed

Are you happy in our Home Services industry? You reply, “Absolutely, Steve! What’s not to love? I’m blessed with interesting jobs, the money is great and I work with some great customers and employees!” (Of course, these same clients and employees can be a trial sometimes!)

irked home services customer waiting

But now look through your first-time customer’s eyeglasses to feel in a very real sense… their pain!😥

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Outsmart Your Competition with Differentiation

satisfied service customer

Never “Price Match” What Your Service Competitor Charges!

KickStart: Maintain your prices high enough that homeowners routinely wince… and then book the job anyway!

True Confession Time: Steve Toburen is not remotely an accountant and/or a financial planner. In fact, Steve HATES and despises “number crunching” of any type!😡

In fact, I tell each client and every online class I teach: “I’ve always been good at MAKING money. But I’m terrible at counting, tracking or even investing this money!”

And yet, even with this major financial disability I’ve enjoyed a very successful career as the owner of multiple Home Service businesses! I’ve built my (very profitable) success on one informal pricing concept I call…

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The Why and How of Sincerely Thanking Your Service Employees!!

KickStart: Bonus your people ’emotionally’ when you warmly express sincere (and specific) gratitude for their hard work.

Owning a home services business is not for the “faint of heart”! It can be a very lonely entrepreneurial journey.😥 In fact, many residential services business owners become isolated, suspicious and even cynical. I get it- I too spent far too many years on this negative path.

But then I realized needed help. And who knew better the pressures and struggles of working for homeowners than… my employees? So I started delegating authority AND sharing accountability with my workers. Amazingly…

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