“Triple Dip” with Your Service Employee’s Achievements!

KickStart: Trumpet your service worker’s accomplishments to increase morale AND supercharge your marketing.

Are you struggling with high turnover and/or marginal frontline employees?😥

“Well, DUH, Steve! You just described my life! I pay much more than the ‘going wage’ but nobody wants to work anymore!” Ummmm, sorry to disagree but the Very Best People DO “want to work”! But I digress…

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The Why and How of Sincerely Thanking Your Service Employees!!

KickStart: Bonus your people ’emotionally’ when you warmly express sincere (and specific) gratitude for their hard work.

Owning a home services business is not for the “faint of heart”! It can be a very lonely entrepreneurial journey.😥 In fact, many residential services business owners become isolated, suspicious and even cynical. I get it- I too spent far too many years on this negative path.

But then I realized needed help. And who knew better the pressures and struggles of working for homeowners than… my employees? So I started delegating authority AND sharing accountability with my workers. Amazingly…

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All Hail the ‘Triple-S’ Work Environment (Part 1)

home services battle fighter

KickStart: Promote a 1) Safe, 2) Sane and 3) Stable atmosphere in your company to attract and keep the Very Best People. (HINT: It starts with YOUR example.)

If you’re reading this I’m guessing that you (like me) are a steely-eyed Home Services ‘gladiator’ (entrepreneur) that glories in the daily cut-and-thrust of commerce!

I was (Sioux says I still am)🙄 an adrenaline junky that ‘gets his fix’ from winning in the grand game of business! Is this you too? If so, here’s your danger…

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Attract (and Keep) Great Home Service Employees with ‘Two-Tier Compensation’!

KickStart: Rework your employee’s compensation (and culture) to reward extra effort while also holding them accountable for ‘avoidable mistakes’.

The definition of “compete”: “trying to get something others are also trying to get!”

“Ummm, thanks Steve but my middle name is ‘Compete’.😁 I’m getting my competition’s customers like crazy! So, I’m also getting their profits too! WOO-HOO!”

CONGRATULATIONS, ‘Compete’! However, in today’s brutal hiring environment you must ‘differentiate’ yourself from 1000’s of competing employers to successfully compete for- GREAT EMPLOYEES! But fear not, help is on the way…

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