The Unexpected Happens! Will You Be Ready in Your Service Business?

KickStart: “… the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.” (Proverbs 22: 3)  If you choose to “stay small” protect yourself going forward.

content home service contractorI’m so very proud of you! You’ve analyzed your personality, skills, circumstances and what you (and your family) want out of life.

This honest self-appraisal may have convinced you that the inevitable stress, drama and (at times) agonizing sacrifices required to build a larger Critical Mass Business simply aren’t for you. Instead…

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How to Spread Your Load with ‘Shared Accountability’ in Residential Services

KickStart: Reduce your personal pressure by sharing the accountability (and rewards) with your employees.

home services manager pressure

24-7 PRESSURE… 365 days a year!😲 Sound familiar? If you own or manage a residential services business… very likely this is your life!

True- we all have to deal with pressure and now more than ever. But for you the pressure is non-stop with workers in the emotionally perilous residential environment! Why? Because there are so many moving parts to your Home Services business!

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The Why and How of Sincerely Thanking Your Service Employees!!

KickStart: Bonus your people ’emotionally’ when you warmly express sincere (and specific) gratitude for their hard work.

Owning a home services business is not for the “faint of heart”! It can be a very lonely entrepreneurial journey.😥 In fact, many residential services business owners become isolated, suspicious and even cynical. I get it- I too spent far too many years on this negative path.

But then I realized needed help. And who knew better the pressures and struggles of working for homeowners than… my employees? So I started delegating authority AND sharing accountability with my workers. Amazingly…

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How to Attract (and Keep) Great Service Employees!

KickStart: Share money, praise and profits to attract and keep the Very Best People!

pigs get fat - hogs get slaughtered

I learned so much from my residential customers. After all, our clients had to be financially successful even to afford our high prices💲💲 So, I would just 1) ask questions and 2) LISTEN to my client’s answers.

One very wealthy CEO (who I suspect was a bit bored in retirement) often regaled me with his stories. Since I was trying to build a Critical Mass Business that could run without me I focused on Paul’s hiring tips. His first tip was…

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