KickStart: Call your prospect by name to emphasize a key point.
Ever feel like you’re on a never-ending episode of “The Price is Right”? You know, with “price shoppers” bombarding you with the dreaded, “Uhhhh, I’m just calling around… what’s your rate for this service?” Ugh! I feel your pain!😥
However, quite a few of these so-called “price shoppers” will start out with their name as in, “Hi, this is Sally Smith, and I’m just calling around checking prices…” Now a Post-It note will become your best friend!
That’s right, grab your pen, jot down the caller’s name and use it “selectively” in your conversation. Why? Because behavioral psychologists have discovered that…
When you call your prospect by their name they are much more likely to “hear and act” on the next five words!😮
So, when you want to drive home an important point, preface it with the caller’s name. Trust me, this will transform your sales conversations! (Including face-to-face with homeowners.)
So, now let’s practice as we give the all-important “Illusion of Control” to Mrs. Smith…
Caller: “Hi, this is Mrs. Smith. How much would it cost to… ?” Here’s where the magic happens…
You: “I can help you with that, Mrs. Smith. May I ask you a few questions?“ (OK, OK, don’t get to excited!🙄 I realize this question is seven words, not five! But the principle still applies!)👍
Caller: “Sure. What do you need to know?” BINGO!
NOTE: We cover the above exchange in depth in our 3 hour, online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for 100’s of ‘Lead Conversion’ ideas and systems to easily book prospects who use text, email, Facebook, website chat or even… the phone! HERE are our upcoming class dates…
Did you notice what just happened here? By calling Mrs. Smith by name*, you accomplished several objectives:
A) You dignified Mrs. Smith by using her name. Plus you also…
B) Built rapport by personalizing the conversation AND…
C) You got Mrs. Smith’s attention (always a challenge over the phone!) with her name so now she will focus on the next five (or seven)🙄 words that you want to emphasize. (In this case giving you “Permission to Proceed” with a Valid Business Questions interview.)
* Always follow the lead of the prospect (or client) in how you address them. In the scenario above the caller (likely older) referred to herself as “Mrs.” so I too replied in the same way. A younger prospect might have opened with, “Hi, this is Sally…” which I would mirror. But it can get complicated…
Others may choose the “no honorific” middle ground with “Hi, this is Sally Smith…” (Ouch! Go with the marriage/age neutral honorific of “Ms.”) And if they remain nameless and anonymous I’d just soldier on with my “Converting a Price Shopper” script!
Remember, you’ve got 30 seconds (or less) to detour the caller away from their first tentative question, “How much do you charge to…?” So, the next time your business phone rings, grab your pen and Post-It note, jot down that name, and USE it “strategically”.😎