How NOT to Conduct a Service Staff Meeting!

KickStart: “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford

overwhelmed home services business owner

If only for the sake of your aching back (not to mention your own Personal Freedom) I sincerely hope your Home Services Business (HSB) is more than a “group of one”! If so, you need to meditate on Mr. Ford’s sage observation above!

By far the biggest challenge you will ever face as a residential services entrepreneur will be recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, motivating and managing employees. Am I “preaching to the choir” here?🤔 However…

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Do You Maintain Service Workers ‘In Reserve’?

KickStart: STOP🛑 consistently ‘over scheduling’! Instead, book employees (or you) for 75% of the day to have ‘troops in reserve’ for your inevitable overflow work. 

leading your field troopsRunning a multi-crew, residential Home Services operation is not for the faint of heart! It’s a WAR out there! And as a business owner or manager you are the ‘commanding officer of your troops’! OR…

If you are a ‘Lone Wolf’ owner-operator it is even more important to not crash and burn out! Read on to learn how to avoid disaster…

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Why You Need (and DESERVE) to Make More Than ‘Just A Good Living’!

word hard and enjoy good lifeFor you as a residential services contractor I’ll make two assumptions. First, I’m guessing that you are at least ‘reasonably good’ at your trade(s). Second, you’re probably making more money than you ever dreamed of! (And of course you have all the ‘associated toys’ too! (Cars, boats, motorcycles, golf clubs, etc.)

Am I right or am I right? 😁 After all, any reasonably competent member of our home services industry should (at the very least) be making a ‘good living’. But WAIT! Even your service techs are (hopefully) being well paid! And speaking of techs…

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