How to Attract (and Keep) Great Service Employees!

KickStart: Share money, praise and profits to attract and keep the Very Best People!

pigs get fat - hogs get slaughtered

I learned so much from my residential customers. After all, our clients had to be financially successful even to afford our high prices💲💲 So, I would just 1) ask questions and 2) LISTEN to my client’s answers.

One very wealthy CEO (who I suspect was a bit bored in retirement) often regaled me with his stories. Since I was trying to build a Critical Mass Business that could run without me I focused on Paul’s hiring tips. His first tip was…

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The ‘Triple-S’ Work Environment (Part 3)

KickStart: Develop a STABLE company that homeowners AND your employees trust.

I can hear it now. “What’s with this ‘Triple-S’ stuff? Has Steve gone off his meds again?”🙄 Nope- Steve is just trying to save you from yourself! But don’t fret…

You’re not alone! Most Home Service business owners (including me) really are their own worst enemy!😲 However, after a lot of agony I finally developed a Home Services business that provided a…

1) Safe, 2) Sane, and 3) Stable work environment for employees. Let’s review the first two…

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The ‘Triple-S’ Work Environment (Part 2)

KickStart: Reliable people (the ones you want to hire) will only stay long-term in a sane, non-crazy work routine.

All businesses are desperately searching (praying?)🙏 for safe, sane (no-drama), and stable (reliable) employees.💖 You too? Of course you are! After all, your business growth (and inevitable turnover) means you should constantly be ‘recruiting’!

WARNING: For you as a Home Services Pro sane and stable employees are critical! Why? Because you’re sending your workers into your customer’s ‘inner sanctum’, their home!

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All Hail the ‘Triple-S’ Work Environment (Part 1)

home services battle fighter

KickStart: Promote a 1) Safe, 2) Sane and 3) Stable atmosphere in your company to attract and keep the Very Best People. (HINT: It starts with YOUR example.)

If you’re reading this I’m guessing that you (like me) are a steely-eyed Home Services ‘gladiator’ (entrepreneur) that glories in the daily cut-and-thrust of commerce!

I was (Sioux says I still am)🙄 an adrenaline junky that ‘gets his fix’ from winning in the grand game of business! Is this you too? If so, here’s your danger…

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Attract (and Keep) Great Home Service Employees with ‘Two-Tier Compensation’!

KickStart: Rework your employee’s compensation (and culture) to reward extra effort while also holding them accountable for ‘avoidable mistakes’.

The definition of “compete”: “trying to get something others are also trying to get!”

“Ummm, thanks Steve but my middle name is ‘Compete’.😁 I’m getting my competition’s customers like crazy! So, I’m also getting their profits too! WOO-HOO!”

CONGRATULATIONS, ‘Compete’! However, in today’s brutal hiring environment you must ‘differentiate’ yourself from 1000’s of competing employers to successfully compete for- GREAT EMPLOYEES! But fear not, help is on the way…

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Why (and HOW) You Should Raise Your Service Prices NOW!

KickStart: ‘Charging more’ let’s you pay more to attract better applicants! (And keep the great team you’ve already built.)

I’ve always pushed my students to “charge more”! Why? After almost 50 years in this industry (I started young!) I’m convinced the vast majority of residential service contractors do not remotely understand the TRUE COST of daily business.

better to have money than not

But hey, I’m not really a ‘number crunching accountant’ type of guy! So instead, I just preach to my students:

1) “All other things being equal… its better to have LOTS of money instead of having NO money!!”

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Do You Maintain Service Workers ‘In Reserve’?

KickStart: STOP🛑 consistently ‘over scheduling’! Instead, book employees (or you) for 75% of the day to have ‘troops in reserve’ for your inevitable overflow work. 

leading your field troopsRunning a multi-crew, residential Home Services operation is not for the faint of heart! It’s a WAR out there! And as a business owner or manager you are the ‘commanding officer of your troops’! OR…

If you are a ‘Lone Wolf’ owner-operator it is even more important to not crash and burn out! Read on to learn how to avoid disaster…

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Why (and how) to RETAIN Your ‘Very Best People’!

KickStart: Keep your employees from leaving when you tie them to your company emotionally.

desperate for service techniciansHome Service Business owners everywhere are understandably freaking out with the current hiring crisis. I really do feel your pain! Finding anyone to work (much less the Very Best People) is brutal out there!😲

Shameless Self-Promotion Alert: My 3-hour ‘Hiring the Very Best People’ online seminar will kick start your recruiting efforts! Click HERE to learn more…

But wait! Even better than using my (very effective) Six-Stage Hiring Funnel is to…

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