How to ‘Court’ a Career Candidate

Hiring employees has always been all about the Core Principle of capitalism, ‘Supply and Demand’ which means…

As the supply becomes more scarce the demand (and prices) go UP! And yes, I feel your pain with your hiring problem as you struggle to grow your Home Services business!😥

Your ongoing challenge? Prospective employees (job applicants) are currently in shorter supply than I have seen over my almost 50 years in the Home Services industry! (I started very young!)😲

The result of this shrinking supply? Job applicants can and will demand a better job so yes…

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Grab Great Potential Employees Right Away!

KickStart: Do a quick pre-interview with a great Job Candidate by jumping on a Zoom video call immediately!

Finding ANY techs right now is brutal!😲 (Yes, I know you’re thinking, “DUH, Steve! Tell me something I don’t know!”) I really do feel your frustration! And yet…

finding the perfect candidateEvery so often life can be so GREAT! You just had a phone pre-interview with a job applicant that obviously has been sent by heaven to work for you forever!💖

RESOURCE: You’ll get complete phone interview scripts and forms in our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar.💲💲💲 To learn more and/or easily register online click HERE.

Now back in our old, ‘Pre-Hiring Crisis’ days you would have engaged in a leisurely process of hiring interviews, etc. But today? DON’T BE SLOW and here’s why!

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