KickStart: When your home service caller says, “Let me think about it…” tactfully respond with a sneaky question to ‘smoke out’ their real concern!
It’s just so darned frustrating! You answered the phone cheerfully, the ‘chemistry’ with your caller was great and they seemed ready to schedule. So, you tried to close the sale and…
Your prospect replied, “Well, let me think about it and I’ll call you back…”
AARGH! Your caller is lying! She’s NOT going to “call you back”! In fact, she’s already checking your competitor’s website while ‘bailing out’ on you! What’s going on?
You (and your Phone Script) simply didn’t convince her to take the next step with your company! Yep, you’re going to lose this sale AND all the ‘downstream income’ from this home owner!
WHAT? You don’t even have a Phone Script? Seriously? Then you need our SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar! In just 3 hours online we’ll cover 80 pages of Phone Formats to easily book-the-job, no matter how your prospect contacts you- by text, email, FB Messenger, Whatsapp, website chat or even by… phone! Click HERE to learn more or easily register online!
HOWEVER, even with superb Lead Conversion skills you’ll still get the old “Let me think about it…” brush off. Why? Usually because your prospect feels your price is too high! Fight back when you warmly reply…
“I understand. But while we’re talking let me just ask you…”
WOW! These 11 words will make you so much money! You’ve (temporarily) stopped your now-intrigued prospect from bailing out! Now continue your ‘Lead Conversion’ with this essential question…
“…does the way I have your work order written up meet your planned budget for this project?” Almost always…
Your caller will reply: “Well, it is a bit more than I was expecting…” GREAT and here’s why! Instead of slinking away with your tail between your legs the price issue is out in the open! Now you can open the ‘negotiation process’ by replying…
“I understand. Let’s see if you can enjoy our famous 5-star service while still getting ‘close’ to your budget…” From here on simply analyze the job to see what can be removed or adjusted to lower your costs while also slightly cutting their price. NOTE: Many times my profit margin was even better on the adjusted, trimmed down price! (Plus we always made a new Cheerleader!)
True, the above ‘save-the-job’ exchange doesn’t ALWAYS work. But try it- you’ll be amazed what happens when you give your caller this Illusion of Control! And your ROI on this 30 second ‘Hail Mary Question’ will be incredible!
Let me know how this idea works for you!