KickStart: Trumpet your service worker’s accomplishments to increase morale AND supercharge your marketing.
Are you struggling with high turnover and/or marginal frontline employees?😥
“Well, DUH, Steve! You just described my life! I pay much more than the ‘going wage’ but nobody wants to work anymore!” Ummmm, sorry to disagree but the Very Best People DO “want to work”! But I digress…
You’re offering above average compensation?💲 GREAT! But today’s workers need and want much more before they will “buy in emotionally” to their job. And (more importantly) before they’ll commit to a career with your company!
The Very Best People (the exact individuals you need for your team) will NOT stick around long-term only for money. (Even for a huge paycheck!)
Instead, quality employees will stay with you long-term because they feel wanted, needed, appreciated AND very proud about what they do every day!❤️
RESOURCE: You’ll get 100’s of new hiring ideas and systems in our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar. To learn more and/or easily register online click HERE. Meanwhile, let’s focus on that word “proud”…
You and I love our Home Services industry. But come on- working in the residential environment simply doesn’t have the the ‘rockstar’ status of other professions! So you need to…
Boost your employee’s self-esteem by “publicly applauding”👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 their achievements! NOTE: Here’s the “Triple Dip Bonus” when you routinely “Publicly Praise” your workers…
Bonus #1- Employee’s become proud of their job, where they work and themselves! Plus…
Bonus #2- When you recognize your staff members, you’re also sneakily promoting your company’s services! Even better?
Bonus #3- Most of this “Public Praise Marketing” will be free! (Or at a very low cost.) So, ready to get started?😁
1. When you hire a new employee, shout it from the rooftops! 📢 Email the good news to your entire client list. People love to do business with a growing company! (OK, you don’t have to share that your new hire is actually replacing that loser Bob that you fired last week!)😡 Be sure to include a brief bio of your new staff member and their smiling photo too!
2. Publicly praise your people’s triumphs. Examples? Attending a seminar, achieving an industry certification or being promoted in your company.
HINT: Email out “Press Releases” to local newspapers and shopper periodicals. Sometimes your Press Release will end up in the paper’s ‘Business Week’ or ‘Week in Review’ section. Just Google “press release template” to give your employee a massive ego boost and at the same time put your Home Services company in the limelight! 🌟
3. You can’t over-do sincere, genuine praise! We all crave recognition, and for your hardworking (and under-appreciated) production staff this praise is even more important!👍
True, not all news outlets will play ball with your Press Release. But hey, these mass emailed Press Releases could be your golden ticket to affordable employee motivation! And did I mention the marketing benefits? 😉 So, what’s stopping you?
REMINDER: Don’t put a full stop at press releases. Celebrate your employees’ accomplishments on your Home Services business website, your company Facebook page, and once again, in your emailed client newsletter. Your customers will love this personal touch! 🥳
But wait! Could you also highlight your employee’s personal and family lives too? Let’s focus on this idea very soon!