KickStart: “I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” Groucho Marx
So, have you found your “Happy Place” as a Home Services business? (And life?) Your biggest “Happy Place Choice” in our residential services industry is…
To either A) stay small as an “Owner-Operator” or B) grow into a Critical Mass Business. Still waffling between these two choices? Then before you decide check out my “7 Reasons to NOT Stay Small” HERE.
Are you convinced your personal “Happy Place” does not involve multiple trucks and many headac… I mean “employees”? IF you’re absolutely resolved to build a solo “Lone Wolf business” please allow me help you “do it right”!👍👍
NOTE: I define the Lone Wolf business model as a solo owner-operator doing most of the actual work. (Possibly with a helper.) Then when a big project comes in instead of adding more full-time employees (and more personal pressure) Lone Wolves use casual labor and/or subcontractors .
Let’s start out by working on YOU! (Going forward I’ll focus on Lone Wolf finances, marketing and logistics.) Above all else…
Never allow anyone else to define your personal success for you!
Your biggest challenge? The well-meaning but unceasing pressure from friends and family to “make something out of yourself” by scaling up into a big business. Sadly, some view an entrepreneur without employees as an somewhat pitiful failure.
Yet I know many solo Home Service professionals that are extremely successful … IF you define success as being a happy, fulfilled individual with the freedom to live their life as they please!💖 Here’s a few tips for any Lone Wolf…
1. Dump envy by being grateful. This one’s for you personally. The American Way is to acquire MORE! More service vehicles, more clients, more employees, more money, more possessions, etc. The problem?
Your self-image and ego will definitely take a hit UNLESS you periodically remind yourself that you made a conscious and deliberate choice for… LESS! As in less problems, less issues, less sleepless nights, less heartache and less drama in your personal life.😎 (As we’ll learn going forward the Lone Wolf life can mean “MORE (not less) money”!)
2. Embrace (and promote) your “one-person show” status. When people learn you’re a business owner they’ll often ask, “So, how many employees do you have?” Suddenly, you’re on the defensive when you’re forced to shamefacedly reply, “Ummmm… it’s just me…”
Instead, adapt your 30-second “elevator speech” to start with, “I own and operate Craftsman Remodeling. Honestly, I’m probably a little too obsessed with quality (self-deprecating smile here) so I’ve chosen to personally do most of the work with a few part time workers helping me. We focus on…”
Marketing NOTE: Promote the “exclusive boutique” aspects of your owner-operated business. Use words like “fussy” or even “obsessive” when talking about your quality. Help new clients feel comfortable about you working in their home by including photos or stories about your family.
RESOURCE: I share exclusive Lone Wolf strategies in our 3 hour, online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for 100’s of ‘Lead Conversion’ ideas and systems to easily book prospects who contact you by text, email, Facebook, website chat or even… the phone! HERE are our upcoming class dates…
3. Learn to gently but firmly “Just say no!” This was (and still is) very difficult for me!😲 Remember, the joy of being a Lone Wolf is that… it’s just you.💖 So don’t let the “I gotta have it done today…” callers guilt you into working more than you want! Simply set clear parameters on what type of service jobs you’ll accept, where you will work and (most importantly) when you’re available. Then kindly but firmly stick to your guns! 👎
NOTE: Waiting list getting out of control? Limit it by charging more! We’ll focus on Steve’s exclusive “Point of Pain Pricing Model” soon!💲💲💲
Meanwhile, shouldn’t you be analyzing one simple but profound question… “Where is my personal ‘Happy Place’?”🤔