Smart and Effective Customer Communication

KickStart: When booking their work give your residential customer options on how you should contact them.

Introduction – Appreciate the Importance of Customer Communication

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone’s juggling a million things, managing customer communication is more crucial than ever for residential service contractors. We know you’re committed to providing top-notch service, but are you also considering how you communicate with your clients? Let’s explore how offering your customers a sense of control over their communication preferences can not only reduce stress for them but also significantly enhance their overall experience with your company.

Effective Customer Communication in Today’s World

stressed home services customer

All of us (including you, me AND your residential clients) are more stressed (and OUT of control) than ever before!😲 This is why you must help your customers FEEL ‘in control’. (Including on their first nervous phone call inquiring about your services.)

But remember, no customer wants to completely control your work on their home. If they did, the home owner wouldn’t be calling your company. They’d just do the work themselves!

Yep, your customers are ‘ambivalent’! They want your employees to competently service their home. (This is great news for you!)

BUT your clients also need and want to feel in control of their personal lives. This includes being able to choose when (and how) their Home Service Providers (this means you!) contact them. So, show respect for your customer’s ‘Emotional Space’ when you…

residential customer reacting to phone call

Offer ‘Non-Intrusive’ Customer Communication Options

Doubt me? Think how you react when your phone rings… especially when you weren’t expecting a call from the number displayed on the caller ID!

NOTE: This KickStart focuses on how to reach out to clients before and during the job. I’ll share more ‘Illusion of Control’ ideas on future blog posts!


Want to DRAMATICALLY increase your CSRs’ “booking ratio”?🤔 Then quickly train them with my interactive Converting the “How much do you charge…?” Caller! video course. One low price (Heck, you may cover it in your first “converted caller”!👍) quickly trains unlimited phone reps!💲Click HERE to learn more… 2025 Spring Special Offer 40% Off

3 Customer Service Communication Examples

give customer communication options

1. Job reminders. Ask your client how they would like to be reminded about their appointment with your company. Then verbally give them a menu to choose from. For example: Text, Whatsapp, FB Messenger, email or even (horrors!) a phone call? (HINT: Most will choose texting for reminders.)

NOTE: Part of giving the ‘Illusion of Control’ is to give your client options… and then letting the customer choose!

2. What hours are best for their schedule? Ask when your customer would prefer communications from your company. You may need to ‘prime the pump’ here by saying, “Now we don’t want to intrude. For  your job reminders we normally reach out mid-morning. Does this work with your schedule?”

3. If needed, can the customer be called at work? Explain that in the event of an urgent question you may need to have a 2-way conversation. If so, may your workers contact the customer at work? If so, ask for their cell number. (Employers hate having their phone lines tied up by their employees on personal calls!)

Winning over your caller class

RESOURCE: You’ll receive step-by-step phone scripts to implement the above ideas in our 3 hour, online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for 100’s of ‘Lead Conversion’ ideas and systems to easily book prospects who use text, email, Facebook, website chat or even… the phone! HERE are our upcoming class dates…

Many thanks for letting me (non-intrusively) communicate with you folks!

Summary – Improve Customer Communication Skills

By simply offering a few choices and respecting your each client’s preferred customer communication channels, you’ll build stronger relationships and foster a sense of trust. It’s a small shift that can make a huge difference in how your clients perceive your company. Remember, it’s not just about the quality of the work you do, but also about the quality of the experience you provide. So, let’s embrace these non-intrusive communication strategies and create a more positive and stress-free experience for everyone!

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