Don’t Bore Me With WHAT You Do!

Hey there, fellow tradespeople! Ever feel like you could use a little boost in communication with homeowners? You’re in the right place. We know it’s not just about showing up and doing an awesome job (and you’re already killing it at that). It’s also about connecting with those folks who call you when things go haywire at home. Ready to level up your customer communication game? Let’s jump in! 

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” – Peter Drucker

Yep, that means catching on to your customer’s unspoken worries, wishes, and hopes. It’s about reading between the lines and making them feel truly heard. And guess what? It’s easier than it sounds. By honing your interaction skills, you’ll not only build trust but also secure lifelong customers who sing praises about your services! How cool is that?


Want to DRAMATICALLY increase your CSRs’ “booking ratio”?🤔 Then quickly train them with my interactive Converting the “How much do you charge…?” Caller! video course. One low price (Heck, you may cover it in your first “converted caller”!👍) quickly trains unlimited phone reps!💲Click HERE to learn more…

You are Proud of Your Trade Expertise. Kudos! 

Yes, I know you dived headfirst into HVAC, lawn care, plumbing, or whatever fantastic residential service you provide because you’re a rock star at what you do. But guess what? As a Home Services Professional, it’s not just about what you DO. (I know, sounds a bit like blasphemy, right?) Hang on, I’ve got a point here… 

Sure, your technical skills are A+. You’re the mastermind behind the scenes, tackling issues that would leave the average homeowner scratching their head. But there’s another layer to your profession that’s just as—if not more—important: building rapport with your customers. 

Think about it. When Mrs. Smith gives you a ring because her AC has decided to go AWOL in the middle of July, what does she need besides your expert skills? Reassurance. Communication with homeowners means that she feels that you genuinely care about her sticky situation. Taking a moment to introduce yourself with warmth can change the game. “Hey there, Mrs. Smith! I’m John, and I’ve been passionate about keeping homes like yours cool for over a decade.” See how that instantly makes things more personal?

How to Improve Communication with Homeowners

Like any of us, what they really want are solutions. Not necessarily the nitty-gritty details of how you get there. 

Engage, Connect, Reassure: It’s not rocket science, but it’s crucial. Know your client’s name, use it often during your chat, and for goodness’ sake, smile—even if you’re on the phone. Believe me, they can hear it! Those little things? They make a big difference. 

So, next time you’re off to fix a pesky leaky faucet or spruce up a sparse lawn, remember this: your toolkit should have more than just wrenches and weed whackers. Bring along genuine interest, a readiness to listen, and most importantly, a big ol’ smile. Because at the end of the day, you’re not just in the home service business; you’re in the people-pleasing business!

Why Customer Don’t (Really) Care About Your Expertise

At the end of the day, 80% of how your client (the homeowner) decides if you (or your technician) did a “good job” or a “bad job” boils down to how they FEEL about the person doing the work (communication with homeowners). Let that sink in for a minute. Reflect on my “80% Principle.” In other words… 

All those shiny trucks, fancy tools, top-notch equipment, and stacks of certifications you boast about? They mean very little.😲 (Sorry to break it to you!) To put it in financial terms… 

Your ROI on these physical assets is quite low compared to the EMOTIONAL ROI you gain from building relationships with your residential clients. So what’s the challenge? 

Your ‘Front Line Employees’ (or as you might call them, “techs”) likely don’t have much in common with your home-owning clients. Yet, these homeowners are the very people your techs need to consistently impress to turn them into delighted Customer Cheerleaders! So how do you achieve this? 

My slightly self-promotional “shortcut answer”?😊 Invest in my 12-session, seven-hour Winning on the Home Front technician training course HERE! Or take the scenic route and subscribe to my future blog posts here. The choice is yours, and I’m thrilled you found this cozy corner of the internet!

Training Your Team: Ensuring Consistent Communication Standards

It’s crucial to remember that your team is the face (or voice) of your business. Consistent communication with homeowners requires standards across all team members not only build trust but also elevate your brand’s reputation. So, how can we achieve this consistency? Training, training, and more training! 

First off, let’s talk about the importance of a standard communication guide. Create a set of guidelines that detail how team members should interact with customers. This should include everything from greetings and closings to handling complaints and addressing queries. But don’t just hand them a booklet and call it a day—role-play different scenarios during team meetings. (Trust me, it can be surprisingly fun!) 

Next, focus on pacing. As communications coach Joel Schwartzberg recommends, a speaking rate between 120-160 words per minute is optimal. Not too fast to overwhelm but not too slow to bore. Conduct listening sessions where team members can hear what this rate sounds like in practice. Encourage them to practice until it becomes second nature. 

Empathy and active listening are equally important. Train your team to genuinely listen and respond to customer emotions and needs. This means more than just nodding and saying, “I understand.” Teach them to ask follow-up questions, show empathy, and offer personalized solutions. (Ever had a bad day and felt instantly better because someone truly understood? That’s the goal!) 

  • Select team members who naturally have a warm and engaging communication style.
  • Use customer feedback to continually refine and improve your communication strategies.
  • Regularly evaluate team interactions and offer constructive feedback.

Lastly, create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their own tips and tricks. Communication with homeowners is an evolving skill, and there’s always something new to learn. Your best communicators can inspire others, creating a cycle of continuous improvement. 

Remember, establishing consistent communication standards is not a one-time task. It’s an ongoing process of training, feedback, and adaptation. But the payoff? A team that’s not only well-equipped to handle any customer interaction but also one that proudly represents the caliber of your service. Now get out there and start talking!

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