‘Driving Nice’ Wins More Service Clients!

KickStart: Impress prospective clients when all your employees (including YOU) drive with ‘Proactive Courtesy’!

A successful Home Services Pro lives by two Core Concepts1) They obsess over ‘differentiating’ their small service business from the competition. And 2) Residential Pros know their service workers are ‘on stage’ all the time. (Not just when on-site in client’s homes.)

Build your small service company around these two Core Concepts and you (and your key employees) WILL retire happy, fulfilled and… wealthy!💲💲💲 Let’s focus on one of the most ‘publicly visible’ stages out there by…

Driving safely and courteously… ALL the time!

safe and courteous service vehicle driving

NOTE: Remember I mentioned ‘publicly visible’ which means all your courteous driving won’t differentiate your business unless your vehicle signage is clear and memorable. (Oh, and your trucks should always be clean.) Otherwise, you’re just honking “Look at me!” and no one will notice…😢 

Awareness of Specific Company Vehicle Driving Moments 

1. Parking lots. Drive slowly. Whether you’re pulling into a driveway or navigating a crowded parking lot, take your time to park correctly. Use your mirrors effectively and avoid blocking driveways or double-parking. Park the big trucks further away and walk more. (More folks will see your vehicle advertising signage, plus you could probably use the exercise!) An excellent parking job is like leaving your business card on the driveway.

service vehicle driving etiquette

2. Intersections. Friends don’t let friends wonder which way they’re turning. Use your blinkers well in advance. Not only is it courteous, but it’s a key element of defensive driving too. Demonstrate ‘Proactive Courtesy’ by yielding to other drivers and giving them a friendly wave through with a smile. (You’ll be amazed at how many grateful waves you get back.) 

REMEMBER: At 4-way stop signs, stop a bit back from the driver next to you. This way you won’t tick them off by blocking their view of oncoming traffic. Will this mean they’ll call you to work in their home? Maybe not. But practicing the Golden Rule makes you feel good and you never know… 💖💖💖 

3. Hold your employees accountable. I strongly advise my clients to install GPS tracking on all their business vehicles. These little 24-7 devices will help you logistically (“Which van is closest to 342 Elm Street?”) while subtly reminding your front-line workers that ‘someone is watching’. (This is a good thing!) 

ProTIP: Set your GPS devices to text you (or the tech’s supervisor) when the vehicle exceeds 10 MPH over the posted speed limit. When your phone dings, it’s time for a chat with the speeding employee! Of course, all of this requires effort so… 

4. STOP doing ‘shoehorn scheduling’. As in, “Charlie, can you speed things up and fit one more stop in today?” How many potential clients will Charlie tick off as he rushes frantically to his next job?😲 This overly optimistic scheduling leads to customer complaints, burned-out front-line workers, and a poor public impression created by your speeding vehicles! (Don’t ask me how I learned this!)😢 

Additional Company Vehicle Driving Pointers

Now, let’s dive into some actionable tips to ensure you’re not just driving, but driving like a pro who cares about their company’s reputation! 

field service technician headaches
  • Mirror, Mirror, on the Truck: Adjust your mirrors before you hit the road. This might seem basic, but being able to see all angles can save you a lot of trouble and possibly an awkward call to your boss explaining a dented bumper.
  • Keep a Cushion: Maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead. Tailgating is not only risky but also drives (pun intended) your potential customers crazy! Nobody likes a close follower.
  • Eyes on the Road: Distracted driving? A big no-no! Keep your phone out of reach unless it’s to answer a hands-free call. Your clients will appreciate knowing their service provider is more focused on the road than on their phone.
  • Safety First: Every service company claims they care about driver safety. But, do they really? How can you show you mean it? Simple – act on public complaints! Improve company vehicle safety by making it a genuine priority through continuous training and practice.

Remember, how you drive is a reflection of your company! By adopting these pointers and instilling the same values in your employees, you’re not just protecting your vehicle—you’re protecting your brand’s reputation. So, the next time you’re out there, think courtesy, think safety, think business growth!

Yep, you need to have ‘troops in reserve’ for last minute calls and the inevitable issues that come up for any home service business! Let’s talk about this soon!

WINTER ALERT: These Proactive Courtesy tips go double during the dangerous, stressful driving found in winter conditions. So SLOW DOWN!

MORE HELP? You’ll learn so much in our different online SFS: LIVE seminars! Plus you’ll implement our concepts easily with our turnkey SFS: ‘Business Infrastructure’Click HERE to see upcoming classes…

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