Core Concepts: “Moments of Truth”

KickStart: “A Moment of Truth is any point when your customer (or a prospect) comes into contact with your company AND subliminally forms an opinion.” Steve Toburen

I recently depressed everyone warning about the hidden “customer minefields” just waiting to explode (without warning😰) on every residential job. Doubt me?

Think how often you’ve left a home feeling great about the fantastic job you did. (And the nice wad of cash in your pocket too!)👍

complaining home service customerThen that evening you’re shocked to get a complaining phone call, read your customer’s unhappy text or even worse- get bushwhacked with a nasty “surprise” online review!😲

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Here’s WHY Homeowners Blow Up on Contractors … With No Warning!

Miguel Cervantes quoteKickStart: “Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory” Miguel Cervantes

Normally you’ll find me commiserating with the poor owners (and managers) of residential service companies. (This can be a tough business!)

But let’s save some pity for your front-line workers! After all, every day they’re walking into the “minefield” of a customer’s home!😲

“A minefield, Steve? Seriously?” Too dramatic for you? Then think on this: The dictionary says a minefield is: “Any area filled with hidden explosive devices.” 

Hmmmm…🤔 So, are your client’s homes “filled with hidden explosive devices”? Absolutely! Think how often your employees (or you) get bushwhacked by a homeowner “blowing up” with zero warning and for no apparent reason! (The stories I could share!)🙄

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